August 25, 2023 2 min read

An appropriate Diet is the keystone in effective Laminitis control. Like the foundational elements in equine nutrition that Missy's Bucket passionately emphasises, a carefully curated diet is essential for insulin control, preventing complications like abnormal weight changes, muscle issues, fat deposition, and laminitis. 

While the initial dietary changes may seem daunting when dealing with your first Laminitis patient, they're grounded in science and experience. Over time and with practice, they will become more intuitive.

Step 1

Implement the Emergency Diet immediately. This is suitable for any horse, especially those suspected of having EMS. Many symptoms can improve within days to weeks on this diet.

Important elements of the Emergency Diet include:

  • Low-sugar / starch grass hay, ideally with combined values of Ethanol Soluble Carbohydrates (ESC) and Starch below 10%. Try plain mixed pasture hay, Teff or native species. Ideally find tested hay.
  • Soak hay before feeding to reduce sugars (avg. reduction ~30%). 
  • For overweight horses, feed 1.5% of current weight in kg or 2% of ideal weight in kg, whichever is greater.
  • Never starve the horses, as this can cause other complications. 
  • Utilise a mineral supplement like Missy's Bucket to fill nutritional gaps and ensure a complete dietary profile.  
  • Speedibeet, micrbeet, or maxisoy hi-fibre pellets are excellent, safe supplement carriers.

If possible, test the hay yourself or find hay that's been tested by the supplier. Just as Missy's Bucket's offerings are developed through research and testing, understanding the composition of hay will help with mineral balancing and enable you to determine the sugar and starch content.

Essential Laminitis Diet Do's and Don'ts:

Do NOT Feed:

  • Grains or feeds with grain products/molasses. 
  • Any grass, even if it appears dead. 
  • High-sugar treats like carrots and apples.
  • Molasses-containing beet pulp.
  • Products high in Iron (can worsen IR)

Do Feed:

  • Iodised salt 1-2 tablespoons daily. 
  • Magnesium oxide approx. 15g/day for the average-sized horse. 
  • Missy's Bucket's specially formulated mineral supplements to ensure proper mineral balance. 
  • Vitamin E 2000iu for the average-sized horse. 
  • Fresh ground linseeds 80-150g/day for Omega 3 and 6 balance.

Introduce these supplements slowly, especially for picky eaters, and feel confident in your choices with Missy's Bucket's commitment to quality, efficacy, and affordability. Adjust according to hay analysis results and individual horse needs, and take proactive steps to support your horse's health.

Click here to explore the Missy's Bucket range. 

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