August 25, 2023 2 min read

Laminitis is a multifaceted and painful condition impacting many horses. It requires an understanding of hoof health, alignment, and overall well-being to ensure a personalised and effective recovery plan. Here, we detail the necessary measures, from diagnosis to management, and highlight the role of Missy's Bucket in nurturing optimal hoof health.

Hoof Care and Diagnosis:

  • Assessment and Alignment: A correct Laminitis trim promotes the realignment of the hoof capsule with the inner bones, supporting the internal soft tissue. Personalised care is essential, taking into account discomfort, hoof condition, environment, and budget.
  • Diagnostic Tools: Radiographs are vital to assess any changes in the coffin bone post-laminitis. They assist in achieving normal alignment between the hoof capsule and inner structures, aiming to lessen damaging forces and stimulate proper hoof wall growth. Your Farrier and Vet will be able to work together here.

Pain Management:

  • Immediate Relief: After identifying the laminitis cause, the focus shifts to pain relief. Quick alleviation through corrective trim and suitable surfaces like sand, hoof pads, or anti-fatigue mats is emphasised.
  • Limiting NSAIDS: These may not effectively address hoof pain and can hinder recovery long-term.

Hoof Function and Realignment:

  • Healthy Function: This involves weight-bearing expansion, including dorsal hoof wall movement, quarter and heel expansion, and frog and sole descent. Post-laminitis, the hoof must properly encase the bone for effective healing.
  • Realigning Trim: Appropriate trimming can prevent further damage to the already weakened laminae, and weight distribution away from the hoof wall is vital.

Supplementing Hoof Care with Missy's Bucket:

  • Nutritional Support: For horses on a restricted diet due to Laminitis, Missy's Bucket offers essential vitamins, minerals, and additional benefits as a hoof supplement.
  • Targeted Care: Australian-made and tailored for horses, Missy's Bucket aids optimal hoof health and well-being.

Trimming Considerations:

  • Customised Approach: Correct trimming is paramount, and recovery depends on the horse's history and environment. Options range from boots and casts to proper trimming, pads, and providing a supportive surface.

Common Controversies:

  • Movement: It aids circulation if the hoof is mechanically correct but should be avoided during the acute phase.
  • Raising the Heel: Contested technique believed to reduce DDFT pull on the coffin bone. Yet, it can have long-term negative effects.
  • Long Toes: They stress laminar connections and distort foot landmarks. Recognising the hoofs' proper position and reducing toe length is pivotal.

Proper trim and care for a laminitic horse are essential for recovery. Utilising radiographs, understanding pain management, and focusing on correct hoof function lays the foundation. Integrating Missy's Bucket supplements into the care regimen provides vital nutrients and supports robust recovery and continuous hoof health.

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